• How will Spinal Flow Technique help me?

    Practitioners are able to assess the body to see where blockages in the spine may be affecting your nervous system. Through gentle touch on specific access points on the body, practitioners can communicate directly with the brain to have your own nervous system kick in to gear to create massive healing change. Our nervous system is the brains messenger, if our brain is not receiving the correct messages from our body it causes a wide variety symptoms, illnesses and dis-ease within the body.

    Practitioners work with access points so the brain can begin to receive correct messages and begin healing to improve our overall health and well-being.

  • Do I need to prepare for my session?

    You may choose to arrive 5 or so minutes early to sit quietly and begin connecting within.

    It is always a good idea to drinks lots of water before and after each appointment.

    A daily average of around 2 Liters is best.

    Otherwise, the goal of each session is to leave fully connected to you and your body. Continue doing what feels best and right for you.

  • How can I get the best results?

    As we begin to reduce stress along the spine in each session, we need your help at home to ensure we are not adding any extra stress. If you are unsure about what stressors may be affecting you, please ask!

    After each session, this is when you will be the most connected to yourself and your body. This is the perfect time to sit quietly, even just for 5 minutes, to listen to what you might need.

    A good journaling session.

    Maybe a stretch, a walk, or any kind of movement you like.

    A good scream in your car or a pillow.

    Healthier foods, less coffee, more sleep.

    Your body will tell you what it needs, if you are connected and listening.

  • How can I eliminate my stressors?

    Start with one stressor that seems easy enough to eliminate and work from there!

    It can be daunting to change habits that have been part of your daily life for years.

    With Spinal Flow Technique, as you become more and more connected to your body you may begin to notice you don’t want the same foods anymore. You’re reaching for a heathier option without even noticing.

    You want more water than coffee.

    You’re craving your daily exercise, or quiet moments to yourself.

    The pillow you’ve used for years just isn’t comfortable anymore.

    These are all signs change is occurring and your body is ready for new habits!

    Practitioners will be able to monitor your chemical, physical and emotional stressors. If you’re curious about how a certain stressor is affecting you, please ask!

  • Should I bring anything to my sessions?

    Just you!

    Anything that will help you feel comfortable and relaxed. Spinal Flow Technique is a very gentle treatment!

  • What can I expect to feel during and after my session?

    Our Spinal Waves, or our bodies natural healing ability, can feel different to everyone.

    You may notice tingles, pulses, or nothing during the session, this is totally normal. As you become more connected to your body, you may feel more or less in the session and after. Your session will feel different every time as layers of stress starts to peal away.

    It is normal to experience heightened emotions, more or less pain from old injuries (although never as bad as the first occurrence of the injury), a sense of calm, and an overall feeling of being connected to you after each session. It is also completely normal to feel nothing after each session.

    Each body heals in its own way! Anything you may experience during and after each session is normal to your own body and is your body’s way of figuring out how to heal!

    There will be changes occurring in your body every session, begin to flow and accept these changes! Get excited, the good part is coming!