Our goal is to treat the root cause of the symptoms you may be experiencing. By allowing your bodies to heal themselves through your Spinal Waves.

With full access to our nervous system we begin to thrive.



Certified Spinal Flow Practitioner & Associate Member of Spinal Flow Technique

Finally, after a lifetime of competitive sport, personal training, coaching and learning how the body functions; I have found Spinal Flow Technique. Spinal Flow Technique incorporates everything I have been looking for in a healing modality. I was booking bi-weekly chiropractic, osteopathic, massage, and reiki, you name it - I was there. However, nothing has impacted my life more positively than Spinal Flow Technique. Not only has Spinal Flow Technique had a huge impact on my physical health, but also my mental health. Sticking with this modality has opened so many new opportunities in my life. I feel more grounded and extremely empowered by the deep connection to by body that has been reintroduced through Spinal Flow Technique.

The body wants to heal and has all the capacity to do so. Inevitably, the injuries, distractions and general stress of our daily lives clouds our bodies capacity to heal itself properly and our body turns to a system of protection instead.

Spinal Flow Technique can open you up to a whole new world, generating connections to parts of your body your brain has forgotten even existed.

Lets work together to get your beautiful body work to its highest potential!



Certified Spinal Flow Practitioner & Associate Member of Spinal Flow Technique

Since becoming a Spinal Flow Practitioner, I have seen thousands of amazing clients with all different backgrounds, ailments, illnesses and diseases. Whether you’ve been struggling with chronic pain, chronic illness or simply want to prevent injuries and live your life in a FLOW STATE, I’ve got your back.

I have seen first hand the instrumental, life altering changes that Spinal Flow Technique has brought into my own life and the lives of each of my clients. My goal as your Practitioner, is to help you create the utmost healing change within your body so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of. We will work together to give you the tools required to keep moving forward, keep showing up and knowing YOU’VE GOT THIS!

I cannot wait to help you be the best version of you!